Saturday 26 May 2012

I was feeling creative the other night after work. I'd just like to point out that the lyrics and picture are under the copywrite laws due to being my own original work.

If anybod would like having images like this done for them personally then please get in contact with me on

Sunday 13 May 2012

Thoughts for the day

I thought I'd write my first post on my new blogger site as a thoughts for the day.
After reading numerous things on facebook and twitter and other social networking sites I've come to realise that it's quite disgusting that people seem to want to use these things for one thing. Hooking up.

What's happened to romance? Where has it gone? Because all that's around now are cheap people looking for a quick lay.

Romance is officially dead. Why can't people go back to dating, going out for a meal or to a carnival. Women being given a rose and a small peck on the cheek at the end of the night.

That is what romance is meant to be. NOT a quick lay in a car and a 'see you never' to end the night.