I have just watched a documentary. A sad documentary. A very very sad documentary.
I am sure a lot of you if not all of you have seen it, no matter where you are in the world but I have only just come accross it.
It's about a young boy, just 18 years old, called Zach Sobiech. I'm sure you have heard of him. He had terminal cancer, osteosarcoma. He was slowly dying, from the age of 14, a poor kid ,who hadn't even had the chance to live his life fully. The documentary was about how he was living his life, and not letting his cancer take away his happiness. He seemed so content with life. With a wonderful and gorgeous girlfriend, an incredible family and friends many of us could only dream of having. He looked so happy, he seemed to have so much potential in him, and my heart broke when watching it. Because it made me realise how life can be so short and cruel sometimes and how I, and many others, take advantage of the lives that we have.
He gave so much, he loved, he cherished everyone, he had such a positive outlook on life even though it was throwing him so much pain. He made music, something to say goodbye to his family, something for them to hold on when he had gone.
He is such an inspiration. He was so talented, he had so much to give to the world, if only he had the chance to do so. Instead he passed away, this year in fact, not too long after his 18th birthday. Yet he's left this impact on everyone that knew him, of everyone who has seen the documentary about his life. He's left a song that changes everything. One listen and your whole life is put into perspective for you.
It isn't about complaining about things that have very little to do with life, it isn't about letting people decide on your happiness or letting yourself go.
It's about changing things, making a difference to the people who mean the most to you, making a difference to the world. Doing something that will make people remember you, that will leave this impressive and huge impact on everyone. Even those who don't even know you on a personal level. People who live the other side of the world to you. It's changing their whole outlook on life.
I have been blessed by seeing this video because it's given me the incentive to change my outlook on life and to realise that you won't always get the chance to be happy, because one day you won't be here to be happy.
I recently lost my grandfather to cancer, and that changed a lot for me, that changed me as a person. But seeing Zach's documentary and listening to his song has changed everything else for me.